Darjeeling hills are getting their supplies of food and essential commodities through alternative channels, a police report on the situation in the hills said. The report, which was prepared by a three-member panel comprising Javed Shamim, Siddhanath Gupta and Ajay Nanda, said that the items of daily need were reaching the hills through Gorubathan, Sikkim and Nepal.
The panel of officers were despatched to the hills by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee following renewal of unrest. Secretariat sources quoting the report said that the GJM activists stockpiled their arms and ammunition at Gorubathan in Kalimpong district, Sukhiapokhri in Darjeeling and Bhaktapur in Nepal.
However, the activists were suffering from shortage of ammunition as they needed around five lakh rounds of bullets immediately. The report also noted that the Gorkhaland movement had become more democratic.